Usage: These four brushes will allow you to paint most subjects in Chinese Brush Painting, Sumi-e, and even Calligraphy.
Hair Type: Includes 2 Combination and 2 Hard Hair Brushes
Hair Group: Traditionally Wolf/Weasel and Goat/Sheep Hair
Premium Artist Brush Set Includes
- H1C Happy Dot®
- H2C Orchid Bamboo Medium
- C2C OAS Flow®
- C2D OAS Large Flow®
Our four most popular and essential Artist quality brushes assembled into a single brush set and sold at a discount. If you are unsure where to start but committed to having the best experience, you cannot go wrong with this brush set.
There are two harder brushes great for doing lines and two combination brushes excellent for painting shapes.
These brushes have become the signature symbol of OAS' dedication to authenticity, quality, accessibility and richness of experience.
Other online vendors try to sell different brushes under similar names. Make sure you are buying them from OAS or an authorized OAS Reseller.
Our four most popular and essential Artist quality brushes assembled into a single brush set and sold at a discount. If you are unsure where to start but committed to having the best experience, you cannot go wrong with this brush set.
There are two harder brushes great for doing lines and two combination brushes excellent for painting shapes.
These brushes have become the signature symbol of OAS' dedication to authenticity, quality, accessibility and richness of experience.
Other online vendors try to sell different brushes under similar names. Make sure you are buying them from OAS or an authorized OAS Reseller.
See Them in Action: