Baking soda is an eco-friendly and multi-purpose product for cleaning (oven, kitchen), scouring (sinks, bathtubs) or de-odorizing and softening laundry. Its food grade allows it to be used in the kitchen to replace baking powder or for hygiene as a toothpaste.
Presented in a compostable packaging, food-grade baking soda is made with 100% ingredients of natural origin.
Washable Surfaces:
Dilute one tablespoon of and 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda in 1litre of hot water. Transfer to a spray bottle, shake well before use.
In an empty container, mix 1/2 litre of hot water, 1/2 glass of Black Liquid Soap, a glass of white vinegar and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Shake well and use as required.
In a warm oven/BBQ apply on the areas in need of cleaning. Sprinkle Baking Soda over this and leave for 6-12 hours. clean and rinse thoroughly with hot water.
Stubborn Stains:
Dilute 50g of or Savon de Marseille in 1litre of hot water then add 1/2 cup of Baking Soda and 1/4 Cup of white vinegar. Leave to cool. Shake well and add to your washing machine.
There is a great article here with more detailed uses!